Studies in the History And Method of Science

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The science of weights was a branch of alchemy, because what distinguished the four elements in change- able matter from those in the super-celestial regions was their combination with the quahties of heaviness and lightness.
Alchemy, according to Bacon, was either speculative or practical. Speculative or theoretical alchemy treats of the genera- tion of materials from their elements inanimate or animate. His list of inanimate things comprises metals, gems, stones, colours, salts, oils, bitumen
..., &c. ; his animate things include vegetables, animals, and men. Alchemy was for him linked with Physics and Medicine in a chain of development. Among the. treatises which give us the clearest views of his thought are the Opus Minus fragments and the Opus Tertium : by these the others SCIENCE IN THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY 149 are to be tried and accepted or rejected. A striking example of the effect of his teaching is to be found in the treatise De lapide pMlosophici, attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas but really written by Fr.

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