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21. 1922 .1.7648c.
32 other semi-tropical and tropical regions. The European beet industry today has not yet regained its pre-war standing and it seems to be the consensus of opinion that it will be many years before the industry will fully recover.
It is this great decrease in European beet sugar production on account of the war which accoiints for the fact that world production of sugar in the present season will be nearly 1,000,000 tons vuider the figure for the crop year 1914—15. While beet
... sugar production has declined, cane sugar pro- duction has shown only a normal and healthy growth.
The world's greatest individual market for sugar is the United States.
We seciire our supply from our own beet and cane sugar industries and from Hawaii, the Philippines, Porto Rico and Cuba. The production of beet and cane sugar in the United States and of cane sugar in our insular possessions is in a large measvire dependent upon the tariff bounty, and other economic factors operate to restrict any large increase in production in these areas.

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