Suggestions As to Reform in Some Branches of the Law

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Stephen said in his time respecting the duties of the office (which, it is to be observed, remain in all important respects the same at the present day) : "It is true," says he, " that a master who, at the expense of his important trust, should choose to be idle, might in- dulge himself in that fault very largely, without lessening his official income at all. He may delegate to his clerks, without controul or superintendence, his most important functions, without losing a single fee. The public..., under the present system, has no security in the master's self- interest, against his idleness ; and what security is there ' See 1 W. 4, u. 60, ». 12.
RETURN OF 1840. 37 against this, or faults of a still worse character ? — what but his sense of duty, and his sense of honour— his moral principles, and his fear of discredit or reproach ?" Evid.
Chan. Com. 322.*^ Now I have quite as high an opinion of the Masters in Chancery as of any other men whatever ; and I at once acquit them of any impropriety whatever.

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