Sweet Addiction (2012)

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The book Sweet Addiction was written by author Here you can read free online of Sweet Addiction book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Sweet Addiction a good or bad book?
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He made no demands of her. In fact, he didn’t so much as touch her.
After he’d told her she had a decision to make, he’d simply rolled over, turned off the lamp and then settled down to sleep. She, on the other hand, remained awake, staring into the darkness as she contemplated her circumstances.
She was completely befuddled by the turn of events. When Lucas had first told her that he was giving her to Cole, her emotions had been in a whirlwind.
Nothing had been right ever since that night at Th
...e House when Cole had walked back into her life.
It was hard to see past her hurt and betrayal, but after an entire night staring at the ceiling, she was beginning to realize what Lucas must have seen in her. And why he’d made the decision he made.
Lucas wasn’t the type to demand attention. Or loyalty. If you were with him, yes, absolutely he expected your entire focus, your loyalty and obedience. But he wasn’t going to make you do anything you weren’t committed to.

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