Sweet Tea And Secrets

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Everything looked dull from the layer of soot that had settled. The fire had been contained to the woods, but the acrid smell of smoke hung in the air outside and even inside the house.
At least the house had been spared. Opening windows wouldn’t do any good, just cycle in new smoky air, so Jill stuck to wiping everything down inside to get the sooty film off and hopefully freshen the place. She sprayed the inside of a window and wiped it with a piece of newspaper until the smearing mess was cle
...ar. Newsprint worked best. No streaks and no lint. Pearl had always sworn by it, and they saved stacks of newspapers just for that purpose.
Elsie tooted her horn as she pulled up with Clyde bobbing his head out of the passenger window.
Jill waved from the living room picture window.
“Anything I can do to help?” Elsie asked when she stepped inside.
“You’ve done enough already, taking care of Clyde.”
“He was a good boy. No problem.” Elsie swept a finger across one of the panes and held a black finger up to Jill.

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