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She had exams tomorrow, and worse, she could feel Helios looking at her every so often. His face didn’t give anything away, but she instinctively knew that Helios was aware something was wrong.The club had its own study hall, and it was open for use to both bikers and volunteers. It had rows of seats and tables next to each other similar to those in libraries, and MJ was seated at one end while Helios was across the room, standing quietly next to the windows. His presence in the study hall was r...are, making most of the girls titter in excitement. It didn’t matter to them that he was dating MJ. He was Helios Andreadis, and girls would always pant after him.The thought of what could happen if Helios found out about her secret made MJ’s hands shake, and her book slid out of her grasp. She bent down to pick it up and accidentally bumped into Mercy, the girl seated next to her, who then lost hold of her Starbucks coffee, which she accidentally spilled onto Girlie, who shrieked as hot liquid burned her skin, jumping to her feet and accidentally elbowing Bernice out of her seat.All four girls turned to MJ with furious expressions. “Sorry,”

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