Swordmistress of Chaos

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Against that, beware.’ The Books of Kharwhan The radiance within the chamber seemed to grow as Spellbinder approached the stone. The pulsing of the thing mounted so that Raven began to doubt her first assessment: that it was a cleverly hung puppet, controlled by the Stone-priests. When it shifted, spinning upon its own axis, then darting from side to side of the cell, she doubted no longer. And, as though happy with her belief, the thing ceased its movements, settling back to its original hoveri...ng position.
    It appeared to be stone yet not stone. In outline, it was like a piece of smoothed flint, blue-veined and smoothly shining, as though washed in the stream of time itself. But the veins shifted, moving as do a man’s beneath his skin, its outer covering wavering as flesh above a fast-running pulse. When Spellbinder touched it, setting both his hands flat upon its surface, it calmed as a nervous horse quiets beneath the comforting grip of a confident rider. And a subtle transformation filled the silent chamber.

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