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A coincidence? Savich didn’t believe in coincidence. But how could the Barbeaus have found out about it?
He said, “You are right that Dr. MacLean spoke to several people about your son. Are either of you interested in knowing why Dr. MacLean betrayed your confidence?” Savich studied their faces as he spoke. Estelle’s face was frozen in rage; Pierre looked like he didn’t care, only wanted the earth to open up beneath his feet so he could slip away.
Estelle said, “We are not interested in any palt
...ry excuses. The man is an abomination. We want you to leave now. We have nothing more to say.” She jumped to her feet. Her husband, however, remained seated, rolling the Diet Coke can between his hands.
Savich said, “The last attempt on Dr. MacLean’s life was a bomb placed on board a plane. He survived, barely.”
Estelle shrugged. “What is this? A bomb? We know nothing of any bomb. We do not care what happens to him.” She picked up a framed photo from a side table and waved it in front of their faces.

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