Taking It All (2014)

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The book Taking It All was written by author Here you can read free online of Taking It All book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Taking It All a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Taking It All book?
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Damn it, she hadn’t meant it how it came out! It sounded like she was asking for a divorce. One minute she was focusing on how to fix things—Tate was focusing on how to fix the problem—and she’d jumped from simply laying out her frustration to telling him she wanted out.
    “You want a divorce?” Tate asked hoarsely, his eyes shiny with moisture. “God, Chessy, are you so desperately unhappy that you won’t even give me a chance to fix what’s wrong between us? I fucked up. I readily admit that. Bu
...t you can’t just quit on us like that. Unless . . .”
    He drifted off, pain intensifying in his expression as though whatever he was thinking was the absolute worst and that he couldn’t bear to put it into words.
    He ran a hand raggedly through his hair and then down his face, wiping at his eyes.
    “Unless you no longer love me, no longer want me,” he ended in a whisper.
    “That wasn’t what I meant,”

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