Tangled Webs

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By now the targets had been narrowed to Armitage, Rove, and Libby. The FBI agents were unanimous that Armitage should be charged with violating something–if not the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, then for making false statements or mishandling classified information. Armitage knew or should have known that Plame’s identity was classified–he read it in the confidential INR report, plainly marked “secret.” But the lawyers disagreed. Armitage had insisted he never knew Plame was covert. Th...e INR report might have been classified, but not everything contained in a classified report is a secret. Armitage maintained that in all his years of government service the name of a covert agent had never appeared in a written report, classified or otherwise. The statute was strict about knowledge of covert status, and it would be difficult, if not impossible, to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Beyond that, there were significant practical obstacles making any prosecution under the statute difficult.

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