Temple of Fear

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The book Temple of Fear was written by author Here you can read free online of Temple of Fear book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Temple of Fear a good or bad book?
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He gave the girls curt orders in a voice like ice, then left the geisha house and walked over to Shimbasi dori. His fingers caressed the cold butt of the Colt. At the moment he would have . emptied the clip into Johnny Chow's gut with all the pleasure in the world. If indeed it was Tonaka's breast that had been sent him — the three girls were convinced of it, because that was the way Johnny Chow played — then Nick meant to exact an equal amount of flesh from the bastard. His stomach churned at w...hat he had just seen. This Johnny Chow must be a sadist to end all sadists — even for a Chicom.
    There was no taxi in sight so he kept walking, eating up the distance with angry strides. There was no question of not going. There might still be a chance to save Tonaka. Wounds did heal, even the most drastic, and there were such things as artificial breasts. Not a very appealing solution, but it was better than death. He thought that to a young and lovely girl anything, very nearly anything, would be better than death.

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