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They were stained pink, most of them. Their origins—either as sheets or shirts, or even filched from the surgery of Massachusetts General—long behind them.
    “Isn’t this why we have two housekeepers?” Doc stepped around the side of the house to where she was working, shoving bandages into the bag she wore over her shoulder.
    “There is plenty of work for all of us,” Anne said, not quite looking at him. Because she couldn’t quite look at him. She was furious. With him. With her. With this lie
... they told the world.
    To her surprise, he started at the other end of the line and began taking down the bandages, rolling them in his wide hands. “You’re avoiding me.”
    “I’m busy.”
    “Yes, doing the work of servants.”
    She yanked a bandage clear of the line so hard it bobbed, sending all the strips of fabric waving like they were saying goodbye to loved ones off to sea.

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