Tempted By Her Innocent Kiss (2012)

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The book Tempted By Her Innocent Kiss was written by author Here you can read free online of Tempted By Her Innocent Kiss book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Tempted By Her Innocent Kiss a good or bad book?
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Ashley assured him she was fine even though her stomach still churned with humiliation and upset. In truth, she just wanted him gone. The last thing she wanted was a set of eyes on her when she was on the verge of cracking. After he left for work, she shuffled into the shower and stood for a long time underneath the heated spray. Afterward she didn’t linger in the bathroom long. She dried her hair because of the cold, but pulled it back into a ponytail. She was too on edge to worry over makeup a...nd just made do with moisturizer. She was in turns scared and dismayed over the prospect of pregnancy. At times she firmly hoped she wasn’t expecting. Others, she held a secret, ridiculous hope that a pregnancy would… What? She laughed helplessly at just how naive she was. Even as she knew a child would in no way fix a doomed relationship, there was a part of her that wondered if Devon would grow to love the mother of his child. It angered her that she could even entertain such a notion. Why on earth would she settle for a man loving her because she produced his offspring?

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