Terror Rising: book 0 – the Insurgence

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The desert, vast and barren, stretched for untold miles. A windstorm had picked up, pushing a blanket of sand in all directions. Amid the rolling headwinds sat a hideout obscured by night and covered by a tan canopy that concealed the clay-and-stone building even in brightness of day.
Such covert operations weren’t unique to this desolate location. The desert had many secrets, known only to those who inhabited its hollow terrain.
The young men working throughout the night knew these secrets all
...too well. They were at war. They had been at war since their leader declared a fatwa against perhaps the greatest evil in the world: the United States of America. And this time, they were right in their enemy’s backyard, along the southern border of El Paso, Texas.
The Islamic State was already embedded throughout Texas and had been growing steadily since its subsequent conquest of major cities throughout the Middle East.
Their expansion throughout Iraq, Syria, and Libya was important—crucial to their cause.

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Terror Rising: book 0 – the Insurgence
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