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And he’d finally, finally proved his father wrong: God did love men who wore adornments. He must, because there was no other reason for the Almighty to send a steam-powered flyer streaking beneath a floating city at the very instant that Archimedes Fox fell through a rubbish hole.
The pilot was a bit less lucky—or just too foolish to have strapped himself to the flyer’s body. The jolt of Archimedes’ landing bucked the man straight off. With a whoop, Archimedes scooted into his place. He didn’t k
...now how to pilot the damned thing, but he just needed to steady it a bit while he tore off the god-awful homespun tunic—bloodied now. The wind whipped it away. His shoulder hurt like hell, but he’d had worse.
He’d have much worse if he didn’t get off this machine before he flew it into a steel beam or rode it into the water. There were the turbines passing overhead—he shifted his weight, and the flyer banked toward the bow of the ship. He had no idea how to land it in the hangar, and didn’t want to kill himself trying.

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