Text book of Musical Elements

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What reading level is Text book of Musical Elements book?
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To form a scale of F what pitch note is altered, and how ?
95. What parts of the scales of C and F correspond?
96. Taking the lower tetrachord of one scale for the upper tetrachord of another, what is the note of the original scale that needs altering for the new scale ?
97. Write in ascending order on the treble staff the scales of ~E\> and A|j, and in descending order on the bass staff the scales of B? and !)[>, with the flats that are necessary placed agains
...t the respective notes.
98. State which scale has a flat against every note of it, and which scale has only one note without a flat.
99. Write on the bass staff the signatures of all the scales having flats.
100. In a signature with flats how is the key note most readily recognised P CHAPTER VIII.
101. Give the pitch note from which the order of tones and semitones coincides with that of the only other kind of diatonic scale than the major scale that is in use, and state what such a scale is called.

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