That Man 2 (2014)

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With three hours to kill, I’d decided to hit the pool. I could use a little R&R. And a little sun. I had no clue I’d be accosted by Kay, that skanky blond waitress from the other night, and her two look-alike cousins, Kelly and Kendra, both Vegas showgirls. I’d told them to get lost (well not exactly those words), but they’d refused to leave me. I got stuck buying them drinks. While they savored their piña coladas, I rolled over on the chaise and closed my eyes. I was still worn out from my bout... with the flu, and traveling to Vegas didn’t help.
I must admit I didn’t resist their sensuous suntan oil massage. These girls knew how to work a man. But while they rubbed and kneaded, I couldn’t stop think about Jennifer McCoy. As I lay face down, a smile crossed my face. She was fucking adorable. She had the singing voice of the next American Idol and she was cutest, funniest drunk ever. She was totally obsessed with my cock. But she also made me laugh. Have fun. And yes, get hard.

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