That Man 3 (2014)

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I immediately found a cab and headed to Sunrise Hospital where Eddie had been taken. After dropping my bags and skis off with reception, I met Vera in the waiting room outside the intensive care unit. She leapt from her chair and gave me a hug.
    “Oh, Blake. Thank you for coming.”
    “How’s he doing?”
    “He was badly beaten up. A couple of fractured ribs, a puncture to one of his lungs, and a concussion. He was in surgery for three hours to repair his lung.”
    Fuck. “Where did the attack
...take place?”
    “Right outside his house. Springer followed him home.”
    There was only one more thing I desperately needed to know. “Did they catch him?”
    “Not yet. There’s a manhunt out for him.”
    “The fucker!” I growled. I wanted to find him myself and give him what he deserved.
    Casually dressed in jeans and a Christmassy snowman sweater, Vera looked weary.

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