That Man 4 (The Wedding Story-Part 1)

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It was a huge ordeal with much to commission, coordinate, and approve. Except unlike the erotic romance telenovelas I was overseeing, I was not the executive in charge of production. I would sum up the credits as follows: Slate: Jen’s Wannabe Wedding Executive In Charge of Production: Enid Moore Co-Producer: Helen Bernstein Associate Producer: Katrina Moore Gopher: Yours Truly I was the bride. I was supposed to be the star and executive producer. The one in charge. Making the decisions. Selectin...g and approving invitations, flower arrangements, the menu, and lots more. Even being catered to. But this was hardly the case. I was more like a dispensable extra from central casting.
Because of the tight time frame, much of our correspondence and decision-making was done online. And it wasn’t like I had a say. Whenever I got an e-mail from Enid regarding the wedding, it started off with two words “We have” As in… We have created a Pininterest board to keep you abreast of our creative decisions.

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That Man 4 (The Wedding Story-Part 1)
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