That Man 5 (The Wedding Story-Part 2)

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The book That Man 5 (The Wedding Story-Part 2) was written by author Here you can read free online of That Man 5 (The Wedding Story-Part 2) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is That Man 5 (The Wedding Story-Part 2) a good or bad book?
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It was the best Christmas present I could have gotten. While she was frail, she was home and on the road to recovery. And we were husband and wife. We were now wearing our matching platinum wedding bands. Marcy had brought them to the hospital. They were both inscribed with one word: “Forever.”
“Merry Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Burns,” said the cheerful doorman as I helped my slow-moving but radiant wife into our building. “Surprised to see you back from your honeymoon so soon.”
“A little change in
... plans,” I replied. Jen giggled.
When I got to my apartment, I unlocked the door and then swept my tiger into my arms.
Jen gazed up at me. “What are you doing, Blake? You know, I can walk.”
I rolled my eyes at her and kicked the door open. “Jeez, tiger. Tradition. I’m carrying you across the threshold.”
A big smile flashed on her wan face, and she smacked a kiss on my lips. “Oh, Blake, you’re such a romantic. But please don’t make me laugh because it hurts!”
Jen’s eyes lit up when I carried her into the living room.

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That Man 5 (The Wedding Story-Part 2)
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