That One Time

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An imaginary boyfriend, sure, but a real one? No. So don’t you speak about it if you don’t want to kill our friendship.”
Another finger came up. “Two: do not say anything about your Luuk. He has nothing to do with this. It is not a betrayal because, frankly, there’s nothing to betray since he never ever called you his girlfriend.”
“And lastly, do not compare the guys to Luuk in your mind. Have fun.” Mari glared at her. “Understand?”
Ayah returned it with a grim look of her own. “Fi I won’t talk about having a boyfriend, won’t talk about Luuk, but you have no control about what I think! I’ll always think about Luuk and that’s that!”
As Ayah stomped towards the tables to join the other speed dating candidates, some of the café’s crew who had overheard their conversation snickered amongst themselves. Since Mr. Hsu also owned the café, Ayah was known to all of them.  Mari grumbled to them. “She makes it sound like I’m setting her up to be raped.”

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