The 100

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He’d never felt at ease in the overcrowded tents, and after what had happened tonight, the thought of being crammed next to people who’d been ready to tear Octavia apart was unbearable. Despite the cold, he liked falling asleep looking at the same stars he’d seen from his bed at home. He loved the moments when the moon disappeared behind a cloud and it became too dark to see the outlines of the trees. The sky would seem to stretch all the way down to the ground, creating the impression they were...n’t on Earth at all but back up among the stars. It always gave him a small pain to open his eyes in the morning and find them gone.
Yet even the sky wasn’t enough to quiet Wells’s mind tonight. He pushed himself into a seated position, wincing as he pried his blanket off the scattered rocks and branches. A rustling in a nearby tree caught his attention and he rose to his feet, craning his neck for a better look.
Wells stared in wonder as the tree, which had never boasted a single blossom since they’d landed, burst into bloom.

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The 100
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User Reviews:

Guest 3 months ago

This was the best one I’ve ever read so I am giving this a 1000/1000

Guest 4 years ago

It is a great thriller and I love all of the charcters so much. The plotline and theme is so amazing and outside of the box. You should also checkout the tv series that goes with it.

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