The 18th Abduction

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They spoke like sisters.
Susan said, “This is important, Anna. We have to play it cool.”
Anna said, “I know. Buy time.”
Susan told her about the routine, the names of the men who watched, cooked, used her, and Anna asked about Petrović—did he live here and how often did he come to this place?
“Petrović? I don’t know that name. Tony is the boss. Antonije Branko.”
“That’s him. Tony. It’s a fake name. Susan, he’s a war criminal. I know him from Bosnia. Do you know if he was with me last night?”
Sus said, “No, it was my turn. He went to your room, but you were out cold. He said he likes it better when the girl has a little fight. You got Junior. He doesn’t care if you’re already dead.”
Tears rolled down Anna’s face, but she talked through them. She told Susan that she had known Tony as Colonel Slobodan Petrović and that he had decimated her town in Bosnia.
Susan grabbed her hand as Anna spoke of her losses and the months she had lived at a rape hotel.

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The 18th Abduction
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User Reviews:

puravjha07 6 months ago

This book was incredibly enjoyable to me. Certain things were unclear to me at first, like why Julie was never brought up. She would not have been born five years ago (the book travels back in time), so that was the reason it was brought up. That timeline has a flaw in that Rachel wasn't her boss five years prior either. It would have been the now-husband of Yuki. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the book overall and am eager to read the next one. I have read it from kindle and and waiting for other versions.

Guest 4 years ago

Great reading, I like the women's club series of books, Lindsay Boxer is a great character and the story line was excellent, thanks.

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