The Adventuress

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Two diamond stars of office blazed from the dark cloth of his navy-wool dress uniform. Gold braid entwined upon his collar and cuffs, while genuine gold glinted from the hilt of the ceremonial sword at his side. A ribbon of rank slashed from his right epaulet to his left hip.I felt like some third-rate opera company Cinderella, delivered to the ball and then abandoned, like an inconvenient pumpkin, to the oncoming prince. Irene sang for the guests, at the behest of the duchess, in a more intimat...e salon, while Godfrey circulated in search of news and clues. I was left to join the dowagers lining the walls, under orders to “learn what I could” of everyone, but especially of Louise. Her safety and the solution of the puzzles involving her were the underlying reasons for this social expedition.Onward came the quasi-royal couple. Her Grace’s Worth gown of billowing cerise taffeta added sparkle to the prince’s intimidating appearance. With his stoutness, heavy-lidded eyes, straight nose and closely trimmed beard, he looked bored and overstuffed, as the Prince of Wales often did.

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