The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence

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One of the more interesting such arguments comes from an Oxford mathematician and physicist, Roger Penrose.
In his 1989 best-seller, The Emperor’s New Mind, Penrose puts forth two conjectures. 17 The first has to do with an unsettling theorem proved by a Czech mathematician, Kurt Godel. Godel’s famous “incompleteness theorem,” which has been called the most important theorem in mathematics, states that in a mathematical system powerful enough to generate the natural numbers, there inevitably exi propositions that can be neither proved nor disproved. This was another one of those twentieth-century insights that upset the orderliness of nineteenth-century thinking.
A corollary of Godel’s theorem is that there are mathematical propositions that cannot be decided by an algorithm. In essence, these Gödelian impossible problems require an infinite number of steps to be solved. So Penrose’s first conjecture is that machines cannot do what humans can do because machines can only follow an algorithm.

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The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
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