The Alpha's Courtship (Werewolf Romance) (Ilie And Soleil book 1)

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Her sisters were also there, seated opposite him, and the four of them were laughing and chatting like a happy family.As if they didn’t know Ilie Marcovici was not human, she thought ungraciously.Ilie was the first one to notice her, and he stood up immediately. “Good morning, milady,” he said with a bow. “I came only to call, but your father has insisted I join your family for breakfast. I hope you don’t mind?”Hovering by the doorway, Soleil debated between forgetting her manners and pleading a... sudden migraine.But the choice was out of her hands when Charles called out, “What are you standing there for, my dear?” His pleasant voice had a note of warning in it, reminding Soleil his absolute dislike of any display of ill manners in his household.Soleil had a rebellious urge to stomp her feet---About to throw a tantrum, milady? the marquis teased in her mind. This I have to see.But instead she made her way to her father, practically gliding on her satin slippers in her effort to move with grace.

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The Alpha's Courtship (Werewolf Romance) (Ilie And Soleil book 1)
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