The American Bible : the Books of the Bible in Modern English V. 1

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So speak and so act as men who are to be judged by a law of liberty. For judgment is without mercy to him who has showed no mercy.
Mercy glories over judgment.
T 56 FAITH AND WORKS. S.James 14.
What good is it, my brothers, If any one says he has faith, But has no works ?
Can that faith save him ?
If a brother or sister is naked, And in need of daily food, And one of you says to them, Go in peace. Be warmed and filled, And yet he does not give them the things needed for the body, What good is i
...t ?
In the same way also faith, If it has no works, is in itself dead.
But some one will say : You have faith and I have works.
Show me your faith apart from your works, And I will show you my faith by my works.
You believe God is one. You do well.
The demons also believe and shudder.
But do you want to know, O vain man, That faith apart from works is barren ?
Was not Abraham our father set right in God's sight by works, In offering up Isaac his son on the altar ?
You see that faith worked with his works, And by works faith was made perfect.

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The American Bible : the Books of the Bible in Modern English V. 1
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