The American Eclectic Practice of Medicine

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The American Eclectic Practice of Medicine
Jones, I. G. (Ichabod Gibson), 1807-1857
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While this course of dieting is being vigorously pursued, proper attention to* the skin is a matter of not much less im^ portance. The necessity of a healthy condition of this greafr emunctory, in most diseases, has been too nrach overlooked^ and, thou^ its disorder cannot be regarded as the prime cause- of diabetes, yet universal observation proves that if does not perform its natural part in this disease, in eliminating from ibe blood the usual amount of fluid, and thus leaves the kid- neys t
...o perform a portion of its work, thereby increasing their already excessive action. Frequent bathing is, therefore, de- niable in this disease. The warpi alkaline and whisky bsttk Digitized by Google 488 DIABETES.
may be used before going to bed, and the cold sponge bath in the morning before dressing ; in both instances following with brisk friction, especially over the spine, to secure a free capil- lary circulation. Simultaneonsly with these measures, it is all important that the condition of the stomach and liver should be particularly looked to.

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The American Eclectic Practice of Medicine
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