The Apostles' Creed: a Sketch of Its History And An Examination of Its Contents

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The Apostles' Creed: a Sketch of Its History And An Examination of Its Contents
Zahn, Theodor, 1838-1933
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And just because this "first-born among many bre- thren "(Rom. 8. 29; cf. John 20. 17) is the Son of God by birth and by nature, and not like them by being born again of grace and penitent faith, therefore He is the Only-begotten.
St John relates as little as St Mark does of the Birth and Childhood of Jesus. Even more Digitized by Google 134 THE APOSTLES* CREED plainly than St Mark he avoids entering into a full account of the life of Jesus. When he begins to relate (i. 19), he places us at onc
...e at the height of the activity of the Baptist Important events, like the Baptism of Jesus and His growth at Nazareth, come to light only incidentally, and are taken for granted (i. 32-34, 45). Therefore there is in his Gospel no definite account directly refer- ring to the mode in which the Only-begotten became Man. Nevertheless no uncertainty exists as to what he thought about it The Logos has become flesh as men are flesh. But he is also the Son of God, and indeed from His Birth. He could not have been this if He, like other men, had been the production of human nature, which propagates itself.

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