The Arbitral Determination of Railway Wages

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2 Ibid., p. 114.
THE INCREASED COST OF LIVING 111 some one method of computing the number of days worked could be agreed upon and used on all the roads, and if employees could be sub-classified according to kind of service — passenger, through freight, etc. If these two changes were made, it would be possible to compare the roads throughout a territory, and to determine the amount of increase over a period of years in the wages of the employees engaged in each kind of railway service. 1 In
... addition to the difficulty of applying the principle of the increased cost of living on account of the lack of adequate statistics, other drawbacks to its application have been brought forward in arbitration proceedings.
The railways have questioned whether this principle is equally applicable in concerted movements as well as in those disputes in- volving only one road. In the Western En- gineers and Firemen's Arbitration (1915) it was argued that in a proceeding wherein the award was to be made applicable to appren- tices as well as to men earning as much as $3700 a year, the board could not work out 1 The Interstate Commerce Commission has recently made radi- cal changes in its statistics of railway employment, the results of which will appear in its report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1915.

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The Arbitral Determination of Railway Wages
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