The Art of Forgiving a Greek Billionaire

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Drake whispered the word into Mairi’s ear deliberately.  She jumped like she had just heard a ghost speak. Her reaction was exactly as he intended and his lips quirked.
Mairi wanted to die when she caught sight of the small smile that flitted over Drake’s lips. But when his eyes met hers, she hastily looked away.  Last night should never have happened, she thought miserably. It just didn’t feel right, and now she felt so cheap and evil for having done what she did.
Overhead, the seatbelt sign li
...t up and she concentrated on fastening her seatbelt, her stomach somersaulting at the realization that their plane had reached its destination. This was it. She was really going back to living…to having the fear that the day would come when she would come face to face with Damen Leventis again.
Beside her, Drake said quietly, “You don’t belong to him anymore, Mairi.”
Her hands shook and she fumbled with the seatbelt. A shadow fell over her, and Mairi stiffened when Drake gently took the belt away from her hands and buckled it for her.

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The Art of Forgiving a Greek Billionaire
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