The Art of Trusting a Greek Billionaire

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He said: Breed, eh? You make us sound like dogs who have a hard time accepting who their master is.
She said: Now that you’ve said it…but really, really gorgeous-looking dogs, though.    “You look pleased with yourself.” His friend, Stavros Manolis, remarked in a low aside as they sat next to each other on the front row, which was reserved for VIP guests of the celebrity tennis match both their companies were sponsoring.
Everywhere around them, people were in a frenzy, unable to bear the sheer e
...xcitement and joy of seeing two gorgeous and eligible Greek billionaires in one place.
After shaking each other’s hands and exchanging grins, Damen answered simply, “Life has been good, yes.”
Stavros smirked. “Come on, Damen. I’ve known you for years so there’s no point with this bullshit. Which lovely woman has caught your eye?”
The words stunned him, but not because Stavros had easily guessed it was a woman making him feel this way. “Why do you think you need to ask?”

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The Art of Trusting a Greek Billionaire
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