The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire

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He said: Are you referring to the poignantly tender way I fucked you, matakia mou?
“Wake up, sweetheart. It’s time.” Damen’s low husky voice drew Mairi out of her slumber the next day, and she found a bare-chested Damen lying on his side, looking down at her with a seductively attractive smile playing on his lips. Add to that his sleep-mussed hair, and he looked so sexy and beautiful it literally made her heart twinge.
Damen bent close to cover her lips with his. “Good morning.” He inched down t
...o place a kiss on Mairi’s silk-covered stomach. “And good morning to you, too, little one.”
The tender gesture brought a lump to her throat, and Mairi had to swallow several times before she could be sure her voice wouldn’t shake when she spoke. “Good morning.”  “You slept early last night…” Damen inched back up, and cupping Mairi’s chin to make her face him, he took careful note of her face, searching for any sign of illness or strain.
“I’m fine. I was just…tired.

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The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire
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