The Assault On Humanism

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And that these writers have given definite reasons for their faith.
Professor Graves's book is only a typical and rather moderate example of the pre- vailing practice of modernists and pro- fessors of pedagogy — in their books, as I know; in their classrooms, as I am [39l The Assault on H umanism informed. They not only argue as parti- sans against the Classics but they sys- tematically suppress both the arguments and the bibliography of the case for the Classics. Mr. Flexner, for example, take
...s for granted, as needing no qualification by distinctions, that catchword of the new pedagogy in every age — the crude abso- lute antithesis between the study of words and the study of things. 'Things,' says Plato in an abbreviated but fair summary, 'fall into two classes. Some things have sensible likenesses easy to apprehend.
These you can point out and so teach them readily without trouble and the use of language. But the greatest and most precious things have no outward imeige of themselves visible to man, to which the teacher can lightly point and so satisfy the soul of the inquirer.

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