The Authentic History of the United States Steel Corporation

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However, the corporation re- fused to follow anything like the old dumping policy, often refusing otherwise very desirable business on the single issue of price.
Besides the preference, natural on the part of the buy- ers, for well-known and long-established goods and the close connection of foreign manufacturers antagonistic to a new competitor in the field, the corporation had other difficulties to overcome. These included banking 108 The United States Steel Corporation facilities in the vari
...ous countries opposed to business with America; cheaper freights and better steamer ac- commodation from foreign ports than were available from the United States; preferential duties, and so on.
For years the big company has persistently contended against these obstacles, gradually working up to its present position where its products have been intro- duced and their quality recognized and business can be secured without concessions in price under those of older competitors. For several years past the prices secured on foreign sales have been practically the same as those obtained on domestic business, more in some products, less in others.

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The Authentic History of the United States Steel Corporation
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