The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel & Other Critical Essays, Selected From the Published Papers of the Late Ezra Abbot

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The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel & Other Critical Essays, Selected From the Published Papers of the Late Ezra Abbot
Abbot, Ezra, 1819-1884
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ix. 5. The fullest account of this is perhaps that given by Schultz in the article already repeatedly referred to ; but he is neither very thorough nor very accurate.
The application of the passage by the Christian Fathers will naturally come first under consideration.
The fact that the great majority of the Fathers whose writings have cpme down to us understood the last part of the verse to relate to Christ has been regarded by many as a very weighty argument in favor of that construction. I h
...ave had occasion to consider the value of this argument in connection with another passage. (See Essay XVIIL, p. 445.) The remarks there made apply equally to the present case. The fact that the Fathers, in quoting a pas- sage grammatically ambiguous, have given it a construction which suited their theology, does not help us much in deter- mining the true construction. We must remember, also, the looser use of the term o^k which prevailed in the latter Digitized by Google ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROMANS IX.

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