The Baby Jackpot

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That impression was rapidly eroding. She didn’t like being squeezed, and the fumes from the guy’s breath were enough to make her tipsy.
    Short of kicking him in the shins and giving him a hard shove, though, she didn’t see how she could escape the rest of this slow dance. But if he tried to hang on for another, she vowed to take decisive action.
    Coming to the Suncrest Saloon had seemed like a good idea. Ned was going to be here, and several other nurses had expressed interest in joining h Then she’d spotted Cole at his table. While she’d debated whether to approach them, Laird had intercepted her.
    The tipsy psychologist angled Stacy backward and down, dipping her in a show-offy move that nearly knocked her off her feet. How corny! It also pulled her blouse alarmingly low, revealing the lacy edges of her bra.
    “That does it,” she snapped when he hauled her upright, staggering a bit in the process.

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