The Balfours of Pilrig : a History for the Family

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The Balfours of Pilrig : a History for the Family
Balfour-Melville, Barbara Gordon, 1846-
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What reading level is The Balfours of Pilrig : a History for the Family book?

"Pages for manuscript addition" at end 1. Mother house -- 2. The earliest ancestors -- 3. Mr. James Balfour -- 4. Court and Kirk -- 5. Ministers summoned to London -- 6. Later days of Mr. James Balfour; His son, Mr. Andrew Balfour -- 7. James Balfour, advocate and clerk of session -- 8. The Darien Company -- 9. The first Laird -- 10. Letters to and from Leyden -- 11. Helen and Gavin Hamilton -- 12. Death of James Balfour of Pilrig -- 13. Elliots and Elphinstons -- 14. The second James Balfour of


Pilrig -- 15. "The forty-five" -- 16. Mr. Neil MacVicar --17. James Balfour and David Hume -- 18. James Balfour and his family 19. Mary Cecilia and William Gibson -- 20. Collateral branches in the last half of the eighteenth century -- 21. Marriage of John Balfour and Jean Whytt -- 22. The Gibsons -- 23. The Professor -- 24. Letter from Mrs. Gibson -- 25. John Balfour -- 26. In time of war -- 27. The Macintoshes of Corrybrough More -- 28. Margaret goes to Pilrig -- 29. Margaret's letter -- 30. James Balfour and Anne Mackintosh -- 31. In the first decade of the nineteenth century -- 32. The new building -- 33. The young generation -- 34. Menie -- 35. Death of James Balfour -- 36. Collaterals in the nineteenth century -- 37. The last Laird 16

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