The Baptist Encyclopædia : a Dictionary of the Doctrines, Ordinances, Usages, Confessions of Faith, Sufferings, Labors, And Successes, And of the General History of the Baptist Denomination in All Lands : With Numerous Biographical Sketches of Distinguish

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The book The Baptist Encyclopædia : a Dictionary of the Doctrines, Ordinances, Usages, Confessions of Faith, Sufferings, Labors, And Successes, And of the General History of the Baptist Denomination in All Lands : With Numerous Biographical Sketches of Distinguish was written by author Here you can read free online of The Baptist Encyclopædia : a Dictionary of the Doctrines, Ordinances, Usages, Confessions of Faith, Sufferings, Labors, And Successes, And of the General History of the Baptist Denomination in All Lands : With Numerous Biographical Sketches of Distinguish book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Baptist Encyclopædia : a Dictionary of the Doctrines, Ordinances, Usages, Confessions of Faith, Sufferings, Labors, And Successes, And of the General History of the Baptist Denomination in All Lands : With Numerous Biographical Sketches of Distinguish a good or bad book?
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Tall, and Mpare in form, earnest and straightCorward in preaching, and rather vehement in manner, iMr.
Gaulden is a man of influence and usefulness. For seven years be has been the moilerator of the Mercer Association. lie is a sound Baptist in dojtrines anil piety.
Gaunt, Mrs. Elizabeth, lived in London, Eng- land, in the dark days of wicked ICing James IF.
Mrs. Gaunt was a member of a Baptist cliureli, and a lady of great benevolence. She was accustomed to visit the jails, and to relieve the
...wants of the victims of persecution of evoiy oppressed denomi- nation. Her reputation for generous acts was the cause of her martyrdom. The cruel king was greatly enraged that rebel.s against bis authority should meet with a protecting roof and a little food from any of his subjects ; and he resolved to be more severe to those who showed kindness to bis outlawed enemies than to the traitors tliL-mselves.
A rebel named Burton, hearing of the charitable deeds of Mrs. Gaunt, sought and found shelter and food in her house ; but, learning the angm- of the king against those who treated bis emuuicis with humardty, with a depth of baseness seldom ex- hibited by the most abandoned of our race, he went and denounced Mrs.

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