The Big O (An Ott Insta-Love Standalone)

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We were holding hands…Olive and me…running barefoot through a field of poppies, inhaling them like they were opium, getting high as a kite on our love. Her laughter filled the air as butterflies danced overhead. The sun shone brightly, bringing out the highlights of her golden hair, flying behind her. My heart beating with love, I slowed down my pace and ultimately brought us to a halt. Cupping her shoulders, I spun her around so she was facing me. I loved that she was so petite next to my tall,... broad frame and had to crane her neck to look up at me. Her eyes sparkled like dewdrops as she licked her curved upper lip—a small gesture that sent my cock into a tailspin. I had to have her. Right now. Right here. The impassioned expression on her face said the same thing. Hungering for her, I lifted off her sheer dress while she tugged at the drawstring of my linen pants. In no time, we were bared to each other. My cock swelled at the sight of her flawless creamy white flesh in this sea of red.

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The Big O (An Ott Insta-Love Standalone)
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