The Blackmailed Bride

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The book The Blackmailed Bride was written by author Here you can read free online of The Blackmailed Bride book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Blackmailed Bride a good or bad book?
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She looked around groggily. This was new—waking up in a strange bed, in a strange bedroom. Not all new experiences were good ones and actually this was one she could well have lived without!
She couldn’t have amnesia. She knew her name; she could even recite her pin number and other personal details. She just didn’t recall the events that had culminated in her being in this bed—maybe this was an occurrence some girls could take in their stride, but not her. Don’t panic, Kate, she told herself, t has to be a perfectly simple explanation for this.
The problem was, try as she might, she couldn’t come up with it. She attacked the problem with her usual vigour and all she got for her troubles was a brain ache.
The last thing she remembered was getting on the flight for Palma; her memories of that were perfectly clear. She’d ended up holding a baby all the way for the harassed young mother travelling alone with two active toddlers and a fretful six-month-old. The mother had been grateful; the baby had expressed his gratitude by throwing up all over her cream linen designer suit.

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