The Bothie of Toper-Na-Fuosich: a Long-Vacation Pastoral

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The Bothie of Toper-Na-Fuosich: a Long-Vacation Pastoral
Clough Arthur Hugh
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No pity could swerve him from a pur- pose ; but he had enough of the Irnan within him to feel pity not the less, even for his own victim. At length Maltravers lifted his head, and waved his Innd ffently to Lord Vargrave. • "All is now explained," said he, in a feeble voice ; " our interview is over. I must be alone ; I have yet to collect my reason, to commune calmly and deUberately with myself; I have to write to her; to invent; to lie; I who believed I could never utter, even to an enemy, wha...t was false!
And I must not soften the blc w to her. I must not utter a word of love ; love, it is incest ! I must endeavour brutally to crush out the very affection I created ! She must hate me ; oh, teach her to hate me ! Blacken my name, traduce my motives, let her brieve them levity or perfidy, what you will. So will she forget me the^80oner; so will she the easier bear the sorrow which the father brings upon the child. And she has not sinned !
Oh, Heaven, the sin was mine ! Let my punish- ment be a sacrifice that thou wilt accept for her !" Lord Vargrave attempted again to consola^; but this time the words died upon his lips.

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The Bothie of Toper-Na-Fuosich: a Long-Vacation Pastoral
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