The Brazen Mask : a Romance 4

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177 Adela needed no more assistance from the doctors, and Jacobo said, he now felt assured that his master and mistress were united for life, as the Brazen Mask would no longer have power to separate them.
" What then do we owe you, my frien^d," said Adela, " for taking us out of his hands ?" " A debt that can never be cancelled," said the hermit. " Believe me, I feel as if I could devote every moment of my existence in thanking the faithful fellow for the part he has acted." Adela's attention
...was now for the first time fixed on the hermit, and when in- formed he had been the preserver of her husband and child, she would have knelt at his feet to thank him ; but he caught her in his arms, saying, with much gaiety — " Have not I weaned the boy well ? You must hire me for his future nurse, for he has so entangled my affec- 1 5 tions i7S fHE BRAZEN MASK.
ti'onfe among his dimples, I cannot bear hirn out of my sight." Jacobo how turned his attention to his prisoner, who was strongly guarded night and day on board the general's ship, six soldiers and an officer being in attendance at a time, besides general Gonzalez, who never left his captive one moment ; for it was a maxim with the general, that if a commander wanted a prisoner well guarded, he should form part of the guard himself.

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The Brazen Mask : a Romance 4
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