The Bride: in the Rich Man's World (2013)

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Isabella asked in dismay. She held the phone tightly to her ear as she listened to Madeline.
    Somehow she’d hoped that after last night Theron would have realized he felt something for her. Maybe not love. Not yet, but she’d thought he’d wake up to the attraction between them.
    Okay, maybe he wasn’t completely unaware, but he certainly seemed determined to ignore it.
    She closed her eyes as she listened to Madeline confirm that according to Theron, the proposal was still on.
..., Madeline,” she said slowly.
    She hung up the phone and sunk lower into the bed. Theron with Alannis. She just couldn’t imagine it. Theron needed...someone to shake him up, someone who wouldn’t let him get too serious and organized.
    He needed someone like her.
    Alannis wouldn’t challenge him. There was no spark of chemistry between them.

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The Bride: in the Rich Man's World
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