The Building of the Church

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Paul's metaphors are stamped with the idea of imity. He sees but one temple, one pillar, one body, one bride, one household, one medium of revelation. When enemies filled the world with rumors that he and the apostles in Palestine were building on different foundations, he hastened to Jerusalem, and by a public conference with his brother workers endeavored to put an end to the damaging insinuations. He knew that a divided church could never win the world. He who builds on a separate foundation... toils in vain.
THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH 1 95 But by unity is not meant uniformity, either of government or of polity or of ritual. Uniformity is a surface thing, unity is deep and vital. ' ' That they may be one in us, " which being interpreted means one in character, fellowship, spirit, love, so runs Jesus' great prayer, and it is the same sort of unity which Paul has in mind when he exhorts the Ephe- sians to give diligence ''to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. " To Paul, as to all other New Testament writers, ''There is one body, and one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.

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