The Care And Feeding of Children: a Catechism for the Use of Mothers And ...

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The Care And Feeding of Children: a Catechism for the Use of Mothers And ...
Holt, L. Emmett (Luther Emmett), 1855-1924
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In our eReader you can find the full English version of the book. Read The Care And Feeding of Children: a Catechism for the Use of Mothers And ... Online - link to read the book on full screen. Our eReader also allows you to upload and read Pdf, Txt, ePub and fb2 books. In the Mini eReder on the page below you can quickly view all pages of the book - Read Book The Care And Feeding of Children: a Catechism for the Use of Mothers And ...
What reading level is The Care And Feeding of Children: a Catechism for the Use of Mothers And ... book?
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STERILIZED MILK 109 Is milk which has been sterilized always a safe food?
N"o; for the reason that the milk may be so old, so dirty, and so contaminated before sterilizing that it may be still unfit for food, though it contains no living germs.
7s cow^s milk rendered more digestible by being heated in this way?
Sterilizing milk does not improve its digestibility but rather the contrary. Sterilized milk should be modified for infant feeding in the same way as milk which has not been heated.
7s m
...ilk in any way injured by heating to 212^ P.
for an hour?
There is abundant evidence that milk is ren- dered less digestible by such heating; also that it is more constipating, and that for some children its nutritive properties are interfered with, so that it may cause scurvy ; this, however, is not seen unless it is continued as the sole food for a long period.
These objections are of so much importance that this plan of heating milk is not to be recommended for general use.
When is it advantageous to heat milk to 212^ P.

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The Care And Feeding of Children: a Catechism for the Use of Mothers And ...
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