The Carnelian Throne

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Gardens of Othdaliee Twice since entering the gardens of Othdaliee had we been beset by creatures intent on turning Mahrlys’ prophecy of our deaths into truth. First, the guerm attacked upon putting us ashore at a flight of hand-hewn steps leading toward a crevice from which spilled amber light. And we had killed the guerm, and Mahrlys had wept, and Chayin had growled, and Sereth warned them both that he was near the end of his patience.
    The second time had been at the stairs’ head as we pee about us into a silent, petrified forest under an arching dome. From their perches in those leafless giants whose wood had ages ago been replaced with scintillant silicates they attacked: strange creatures, angular and gnarled as the limbs from which they descended, on us. The sandy ground was littered with them, as if with dead branches after an electrical storm.
    Sereth leaned against one of the great tree bolls. His chest was heaving and sweat gleamed on him.

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The Carnelian Throne
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