The Celibate Mouse

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Marli always reckoned her sister, Brittany, stuffed her thumb in Marli’s mouth instead of her own before they were born, because she’d been shutting her up since they started to talk. The night before was no exception. She’d rung to tell her about meeting their father, David. Brit became ominously quiet before lashing into her, citing everything she thought Marli had done wrong all her life and finished with an ultimatum.
‘You’re not to go near him, Marli, do you hear me? Otherwise, I’ll never s
...peak to you again.’ ‘Why not?’ Marli felt hurt and utterly bewildered. She had thought Brit would at least be interested. ‘Don’t you want to find out what he’s like? And why he didn’t want to be with us?’ ‘No. Like, what’s the point?’ ‘But–’ ‘Harry, is our dad,’ Brit snapped, ‘and our loyalty is to him. He’s the one who brought us up. That creep didn’t even want to know us. Like, if we weren’t good enough for him when we were babies, why should we drop everything and let him see us now?

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The Celibate Mouse
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