The Cell Doctrine: Its History And Present State. for the Use of Students in Medicine And Dentistry. Also, a Copious Bibliography of the Subject

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The Cell Doctrine: Its History And Present State. for the Use of Students in Medicine And Dentistry. Also, a Copious Bibliography of the Subject
Tyson, James, 1841-1919
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Eobin, who may be considered the mouthpiece of the French school of histologists, reduces the human body to elementary parts, usually microscopic, which he calls anatomical elements. The forms he makes threefold,— ^^fo'fis, tubes, and cells.
The fibres are generally of considerable length, sometimes extending from the lower part of the spinal cord to the extremity of the foot. Their di- ameter is, however, small, often not exceeding .001 millimeter, or .00003987 of an inch.
The tubes offer as o
...bjects of study the walls and the cavity.
* Bastian, H. 0., Tubero. Meningitis, Edinb. Med Jour., 1867, p. 875.
f Cornil, Tubercle in Connection with the Vessels, Arcbiv. de Phys. Norm, et Path., Jan. et Fev., 1868.
J Our information with regard to M. Eobin's views, is derived from an admirable exposition of them published in vol. iv, 1867, of the New York Medical Journal, by Dr. "William T. Lusk, who there states that he has them mainly from a course of familiar and private instruction, furnished to him by M.

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