The Childhood of Jesus

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When work is slack, they can be seen hunched over a pocket set in some patch of shade, absorbed in a game.
‘He has just beaten me,’ reports Álvaro. ‘Only two weeks and already he is better than me.’ Eugenio, the most bookish of the stevedores, issues the boy with a challenge. ‘A lightning game,’ he says. ‘We each have five seconds to make our move. One-two-three-four-five.’ Ringed by spectators, they play their lightning game. In a matter of minutes the boy has Eugenio backed into a corner. Euge
...nio gives his king a tap and it falls on its side. ‘I’ll think twice before taking you on again,’ he says. ‘You’ve got a real devil in you.’ In the bus that evening he tries to discuss the game, and Eugenio’s strange remark; but the boy is reticent.
‘Would you like me to buy you a chess set of your own?’ he offers. ‘Then you can practise at home.’ The boy shakes his head. ‘I don’t want to practise. I don’t like chess.’ ‘But you are so good at it.’ The boy shrugs.

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The Childhood of Jesus
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